Greetings all!
I apologize for not updating this blog! My day job has been cracking the whip, I recently moved into a new house, and the holidays are coming up!
Heart of the Dragon, Book 6, The Dragon's Legacy, will not be ready until next year at this rate. I was hoping to have it finished by November of this year, but clearly, that won't happen unless time stands still ;-)
The Dragon's Legacy picks up where Book 5 left you hanging! It all comes to this--a dungeon and dragons ;-) Isn't that the way it should be? I will have to say that Aristo does not appear in this book. The man is gone. He has completely abandoned the very pregnant Tania. Tania, in her despair and horror, will flee to the arms of another dragon. Which will it be--Stephan, Thomas, or the traitor Narcil? Not only does Tania have to find inner strength to survive in a dark dungeon while pregnant, she also has to speak with her abusive father and the woman who abandoned her, the mother who seeks to sacrifice her.
When I was pregnant, life was hard enough. There was an overflow of emotions--fear, vulnerability, extreme happiness--now imagine being pregnant while the world literally crumbles around you! I would not want to be Tania right now!
I'm putting Tania through the ropes because I want her to grow as a person. She has been abused, mistreated, and unloved for so long, that she has lost much of herself. Giving her more trials will only strengthen her resolve and that is what will happen. My heart soars whenever the dragons take her hand. To be unwanted for so long, to be lonely for so long, is something no one should have to suffer. Tania deserves to be happy and she will be! She will find what her soul craves throughout these books and we will all watch her grow beyond the curs who mistreated her!
I don't have much written, but here is a little snippet from Book 6:
A crow cawed four times, breaking the ominous silence and waking Tania from her restless sleep. She grimaced. Her head pounded, her muscles ached, her lungs hitched with each intake of air. Everything hurt. Even her eyes stung. A few tears crawled down her cheeks as she rubbed at her eyes. She blinked a few times and finally began to notice her surroundings.
It was dark. Shadows lingered in every corner. Straw and dust littered the stone floor. Huge stone bricks lined the walls. The ceiling was covered in rafters that looked as if they were about to fall at any moment. Several of the rafters had cracked.
There was only one door in the room. On the opposite side, was the only window in the room. It was small and didn’t have any bars. No one but a mouse could fit through the window. A tiny stream of moonlight filtered in.
Tania stared at the nearly full moon and thought of Aristo. Could he be seeing the same moon? Was he thinking of her? Was he safe, sound?
A scuffle from the corner of the room caught her attention. She peered into the shadows but couldn’t see anything. The moon failed to fully light the room. She sat up and placed her hands on a soft, yet firm flooring. She realized instantly it was a man’s chest she had been laying upon. She instinctively jerked back but the arms pulled her into a tight embrace.
“I am glad you are awake,” Stephan said softly, his deep voice even and smooth, “I was worried.”
Tania laid back into his thick, muscular, and nude chest. She listened to his heart thump steadily and slowly. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the agony biting her aching muscles. She was in pain. She had no idea why.
Her hand trailed Stephan’s strong forearm and lingered on his bulging bicep. His strength helped her feel protected and gave her more freedom to speak, “What happened?”
Stephan delicately kissed the top of her matted hair, “We were attacked.”
“By whom?”
“By someone I had believed was long dead.”
Tania sighed, “Who is this person?”
“She’s a dragon. She’s the White Dragon. Her name is…” he paused and pursed his lips. There were certain pieces of information he did not wish to tell Tania. He knew she was hurting and he did not dare hurt her further.
“What is her name?” Tania asked.
Stephan shook his head, “It no longer matters. She is not the same person she once was.”
“How do you know?”
“The White Dragon attacked Black Rock Keep. She kidnapped Polas, you, and me. She left so much destruction in her wake. Several of the Nobles were engulfed in her fireballs. Or rather, Narcil’s fireballs. She no longer cares who lives or who dies. She used to be warm and kind. Now she is a monster.”
Tania sat upright and stared directly in Stephan’s warm eyes, “Narcil? He attacked us? Why?” She had always known Narcil was cruel, but never did she think him a traitor to his own kind.
“From what I can guess, he is in league with the White Dragon.”
“What do you mean, from what you can guess? Do you not know?”
“No one has spoken to us. I can only speculate on our situation. It has been quiet here for a while.”
“How long is a while?” she asked.
“We have been imprisoned for three days.”
Tania did not know which question to ask first. So many questions yelled at her to be answered but only one blurted out, “I’ve been asleep for three days?”
He nodded, “Now you can understand my concern. How do you feel?”
“Sore. Tired. Scared,” Tania’s lower lip quivered. She was pregnant. She should not be in a dungeon with dragons or rats and she needed to eat. What if she lost her child because she could not properly take of her unborn baby? At that moment, her stomach growled, “And hungry.”
Stephan pushed her hair back from her face and kept his hand on her cheek, “I will take care of you, I promise. Your child will be fine.”
I hope to hear from you soon!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Pirates Ahoy!!
Greetings all!
Or should I say, "Ahoy, mateys!" As a change of pace, I have become inspired by the cutthroats from 1665 Port Royal, Jamaica Colony. The rogues, the privateers, the Commanders, the pomp, the rough-in-tumble rowdy whorehouses, and the sexy men found therein have taken up my imagination and I need to write them!
The story I'm working on is called FOR THE LOVE OF A PIRATE and follows Emily Davenport, a lady of high society whose parents died from the plague in Bristol. She was shipped to Jamaica Colony to live with her uncle, Sir Charles Davenport, Governor of Jamaica Colony. She is a fish out of water! Port Royal is riddled with crime, debauchery, and lack of decency. Her refined ways are about to be redefined by a devilish pirate eager to make her his lady!
Black-eyed Sam was your average pirate--he captained a stolen, or shall I say, "commandeered" Spanish main, loved floozies and women with no moral compasses, drank rum to the break of dawn, and thieved and plundered whatever he could get his hands on. All that comes crashing to a halt on the day of his hanging. Having been caught by the genteel Commander James Alcott, a dashing man by all accounts, Sam finds himself at the end of a noose. Instead of succumbing to death, he manages to escape by kidnapping the Governor's niece, Emily Davenport.
I have only written the first chapter so far, but I have it here for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!
Or should I say, "Ahoy, mateys!" As a change of pace, I have become inspired by the cutthroats from 1665 Port Royal, Jamaica Colony. The rogues, the privateers, the Commanders, the pomp, the rough-in-tumble rowdy whorehouses, and the sexy men found therein have taken up my imagination and I need to write them!
The story I'm working on is called FOR THE LOVE OF A PIRATE and follows Emily Davenport, a lady of high society whose parents died from the plague in Bristol. She was shipped to Jamaica Colony to live with her uncle, Sir Charles Davenport, Governor of Jamaica Colony. She is a fish out of water! Port Royal is riddled with crime, debauchery, and lack of decency. Her refined ways are about to be redefined by a devilish pirate eager to make her his lady!
Black-eyed Sam was your average pirate--he captained a stolen, or shall I say, "commandeered" Spanish main, loved floozies and women with no moral compasses, drank rum to the break of dawn, and thieved and plundered whatever he could get his hands on. All that comes crashing to a halt on the day of his hanging. Having been caught by the genteel Commander James Alcott, a dashing man by all accounts, Sam finds himself at the end of a noose. Instead of succumbing to death, he manages to escape by kidnapping the Governor's niece, Emily Davenport.
I have only written the first chapter so far, but I have it here for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!
Emily Davenport nearly leapt out of bed when the
first gunshot rang a loud. It had been
two days since her arrival in Port Royal, Jamaica Colony and each night, each
day, each hour, gunshots cracked the sky like rowdy thunder. She hadn’t been able to sleep properly. Although her room was on the third floor of
the governor’s mansion, far above the common squabbles down below, she still
wondered if some thief or bawdy lowlife would somehow crawl up the walls and
scramble into her bedroom window.
The Governor’s Mansion was an impressive building
with a red-tiled roof, cream-colored bricks, and a multitude of always locked
windows. It was the only building over
one story tall and so it stood out amongst the rabble of other buildings.
Emily slid out of bed and eyed the port below. The morning ritual of marching soldiers from
the local garrison headed north along the boardwalk, occasionally arresting the
drunks and loading the dead bodies into wheel barrows. In Port Royal, if you died where you fell,
your funeral was not memorialized. A
larger fellow’s body was hoisted into the wheel barrow and it landed with a
resounding thump nearly as loud as the gunshots. Emily winced.
Life in Port Royal was unlike her life back in
Bristol. Although, there were many
things similar. Both of her parents had
died from the plague and many cutthroats here died from dysentery or infection
so it was almost the same. Her parents
had passed away a few months ago and she had been transferred to Port Royal to
live with her uncle, Sir Charles Davenport, Governor of Jamaica. It was either choose this life or marry a
noble from the King’s Court. It would
have been pretty to choose a suitor from the Royal Court, but they were all
very old men and Emily had found herself not interested in them. It was rare to be given a choice, but she
thought she had chose wisely. Perhaps she
should have remained with an elderly count rather than watch as the bloated
bellies of the dead jiggled with maggots.
She covered her mouth as the wheelbarrows full of
dead passed her by. She dared not
breathe in death.
Her gaze traveled across the now bustling
cobblestone road, the only one in town, toward the docks. She saw the rocking thicket of masts,
hundreds of different kinds of ships, some large and some small. They cracked under the ocean waves while
gulls cawed loudly. It was never quiet
in Port Royal.
She watched as a new ship entered the harbor. Its white topsails were unreefed as it
slowly came closer into view. Two
longboats had gone to meet the ship in order to guide her in.
A knock on the door stole Emily’s attention from the
window. She turned her head as her
servant girl, Sarah, entered the room.
“Good morning, Ms. Davenport,” she said with a thick
Scottish accent. As much as Emily
detested the Scots, she had to admit her maidservant did her job well, “I have
brought your breakfast,” she placed the tray delicately down on the table, “Are
you looking forward to the hanging today?”
“There is to be another hanging?” Emily asked, “There
was one yesterday in which five men were hanged until dead.”
Sarah looked shyly down and replied, “Begging your
pardon, but there are hangings here on nearly a daily basis.”
Another gunshot shattered Emily’s musings and made
her leap a little from the window, “I can see why.”
Emily walked toward the table and sat down in the
chair, sloping her shoulders. Her near
perfect posture was obliged to wait until after breakfast. Emily cased her servant girl. Sarah was prettier today than she had been,
she had a soft glow in her cheeks, her hair had been washed, and although it
was disheveled, it had been pulled back into a loose bun, “You look fine this morning,
Sarah blushed profusely and smiled showing her
missing front teeth, “Thank you, Ms. Davenport.
The rosewater is ready when you are.”
“Thank you, Sarah.
Will you wash the back of my neck?
It feels…” she couldn’t quite place the word that described the grime,
sweat, or filth on her person. The
constant humidity and lack of air circulation was stifling.
Sarah dipped a hand towel in the small basin and
placed the lukewarm water on Emily’s neck.
Emily nearly shrieked with the dousing, “I am not bathing, girl! Be more careful with how much water you
“Yes, Ms. Davenport.
I beg your pardon, Ms. Davenport.”
Emily brushed the apology aside, “Other than the
hanging, what does my day look like?”
Emily was not one for itineraries, but of late, she did hanker for some
life in her day. She was exhausted of
sitting around looking pretty and she wanted something new. Then again, that was what had brought her to
Port Royal—adventure. Now, she had too
much of it.
“If you like, Ms. Davenport, we can stroll along the
boardwalk and take in the local sights.”
“Why would I do that? I have seen the men that roam along the
roads. They are not gentlemen.”
“No, Ms. Davenport, but Commander James Alcott is a gentleman
and he would like very much to walk with you this day.”
Emily turned to face her servant with slight shock
on her face, “Commander James? From the
dinner last night?”
Sarah nodded with a big smile, “Yes, Ms.
Davenport. And if you don’t mind me
being so bold, he is a fine prospect.”
Emily returned the nod, “Indeed he is.” She
sighed. Commander James Alcott of the
local garrison was a fine man. He had a
strong chin, sharp blue eyes, and beautiful golden blonde hair. He was young for a Commander. Perhaps that was why crime ran rampant in the
streets of Port Royal. He was
inexperienced. She had it on good
authority that the only reason Commander James Alcott had this post was because
his mother was a particular favorite of the King. Many times his mother had felt the King’s
abdomen upon hers. Then again, gossip
was a foul source of factual information.
“He will also be at the hanging, Ms. Davenport. Did you know he single-handedly caught the
pirate they will be hanging?”
Emily once again turned around her seat, “Come
around to the front of the table so I can see you. Constantly craning my neck is exhausting.”
“Yes, Ms. Davenport.”
“Is this true?
A pirate?”
“Yes, Ms. Davenport.
His name is Black-eyed Sam.”
“What sort of Christian name is that?”
Sarah shrugged her shoulders, “I do not know, Ms.
Davenport. I only know that is what he
known around these parts.”
“I see.”
Well, the hanging might be interesting today. She didn’t bother to attend the hanging
yesterday, nothing but murderers that day.
A pirate was an occasion. Her
uncle specifically mentioned there weren’t any pirates in Port Royal but if
there were, they would be hanged on sight.
Emily placed her sugar roll back on the plate, “Bring
me the rosewater.”
“Yes, Ms. Davenport.” The water in the basin slightly splashed out
of the bowl as Sarah placed it on the table.
She removed the dishes and the uneaten food while Emily dipped a silk
handkerchief into the rosewater and rubbed her teeth. She
spat out the water.
Emily then rose and dressed for the day. If she was to be out walking under the hot
sun, then she would forego the tedious corset.
She was thin enough to skip the corset for one day, at least. The several thick underskirts already
weighed her down while the top weighed more than an ox yoke.
She sighed under the weightiness of her garment as
the final dress was tied tightly around her.
She had chose a red and gold number with extensive embroidery around the
wrists and midsection.
Emily stepped back a pace and allowed Sarah to
survey her. Sarah adjusted the sleeves
slightly and then nodded her approval, “Breakfast will not be served this
morning. Sir Charles has to be present
at the hanging which he does not wish to delay.
I have already summoned your carriage,” she gestured toward the door.
“Will you be with me today, Sarah?”
“Only if you wish it, Ms. Davenport.”
As much as having a servant with a proper lady was
offensive, Emily enjoyed the company. It
was rather a pleasant change conversing with a woman than the men. Most of the genteel men in Port Royal were
bachelors although they never had a cold bed.
Their morality was far from moral.
“I do, Sarah.”
“Very good, Ms. Davenport.”
Emily walked down the staircase, already profusely
sweating under the heavy garments, her once clean neck becoming grimy again and
headed toward her carriage.
Thank you all for stopping by! :-D
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
THE DRAGON'S DESTINY BOOK 5 is now available!
Hi all!
I'm sorry it has been so long in between posts :-( I have been very busy with work and with home life. Trying to get anything done lately has been difficult. But I am pleased to announce the release of THE DRAGON'S DESTINY BOOK 5 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series! It is available for the Nook and Kindle. It will soon be available on Smashwords!
I'm sorry it has been so long in between posts :-( I have been very busy with work and with home life. Trying to get anything done lately has been difficult. But I am pleased to announce the release of THE DRAGON'S DESTINY BOOK 5 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series! It is available for the Nook and Kindle. It will soon be available on Smashwords!
Strength can be found in all manner of places...
As Tania builds up her courage to face her father once and for all, Stephan schemes to murder Polas. The dragons are furious and outraged over the death of Patryck and they will stop at nothing to sate their vengeance.
Aristo, madly in love with Tania, cannot fight his jealousy any longer. Each time he sees Tania with another dragon, his blood boils. He makes a decision that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
I hope you enjoy reading the fifth installment as much as I enjoyed writing it! New characters are introduced and the ending will shock you! Thank you all for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!
As a P.S., the woman on the cover of THE DRAGON'S DESTINY is not Tania. If you can figure out who it is, you will know a very important clue to the upcoming book, THE DRAGON'S LEGACY, Book 6.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Eva Weston's Epic Dragon Fantasy Romance is now available on Kindle!
Hi all!
It will take a few hours, but Amazon is currently uploading THE DRAGON LORDS: BETRAYAL for you to enjoy! For the next two months, it will be priced at 99 cents then it will increase to $3.99. This is an epic novel, more than 300 pages so expect plenty of action, romance, intrigue, and fantasy!
Hopefully, it will be available for the Fourth of July! We'll see how fast Amazon uploads it! :-)
Have a happy holiday!
It will take a few hours, but Amazon is currently uploading THE DRAGON LORDS: BETRAYAL for you to enjoy! For the next two months, it will be priced at 99 cents then it will increase to $3.99. This is an epic novel, more than 300 pages so expect plenty of action, romance, intrigue, and fantasy!
I am so excited that this novel is finally complete! It has taken me a few years to finish and I couldn't be more proud of the results! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
In the sequel to Awaken, the realm of Dragone is at war. The ravenous Mezgure horde, beasts capable of human thought, will stop at nothing to see the Dragonkin slain. Isbet, now the Queen of Dragone, has a vital mission--she must travel to the neighboring realm of Ephos and gain their armies.
Upon her journey, she encounters Baric, the last of the Dragon Elite Mechante, a warrior unlike any other. He is more than just a dragonkin, he is a dragon!
Isbet's sister, Liessa, will not stop at nothing to see Isbet suffer. She will murder someone Isbet holds dear.
Among the fighting, brutality, and fear, where can there be love or hope? Isbet finds peace within the arms of Baric but that peace is fragile and can easily be broken.
In this epic 5-Book Saga, Isbet is determined to save her people, her way of life, and to restore glory and dragons back to the realm. Love and destiny will show her the way.
She will come across all manners of love, from her betrothed Lord Brynt, his brother, Lord Damon, a warrior Baric, and a shapeshifting hawk, she will discover what it will take to bring peace back to Dragone.
This is an adult story and is not for innocent eyes.
Here's an excerpt to whet your taste buds!
Isbet’s heart trumpeted loudly in her
chest as her bosom heaved with the mounting anticipation. Baric merely stood staring, his body frozen
with wavering determination. He wanted
the Queen, of that he was certain, but his morals were an incessant gnawing
that constantly ate his soul. What he
wanted most in this world was being offered to him…could he accept and not feel
guilty afterwards?
Baric didn’t answer the question. His metal hands pulled Isbet’s straining lips
toward his and within one breath, the world became nothing more than swirling
colors and soft perfection. Baric stood
resolute as the kiss threatened to break his heart. He had known kissing her would be akin to
kissing a goddess but he had not known what his true feelings were until this
moment. He loved her. He loved the Queen. He loved a woman that was forbidden to him in
every single way. She was above him in
all things and yet he could not resist her.
He could not deny himself anymore.
His pouty lips meshed into hers like
only the most beautiful sunset could melt into the sky. His
armored fingers danced delicately on her blushing cheeks as he inhaled all that
was Isbet. Her scent was of the forest,
rife with chaos and flowering blossoms with just a hint of metallic weapons and
death. Her warrior spirit called to him
through her perfume, awakening his primitive desire and instinctual nature of
violence. A battle-hardened Mechante such
as Baric knows war and war was comforting.
Baric’s knees shook with utter
desperation to hold her close as his heart sought intimacy. His muscles trembled for her touch and
labored to remove any obstacle between them.
He never wanted to be separated from her. She embodied everything that was good and
precious in the world and yet she also embodied strength and power unlike any
other. She was the divine herself and
just to be looked upon by those glimmering blue eyes would cause blind men to
see. He knew his thoughts betrayed Tania
and his religion with sacrilege, but some things could only be compared to
holiness. And that’s what Isbet was to
him: a goddess.
Hopefully, it will be available for the Fourth of July! We'll see how fast Amazon uploads it! :-)
Have a happy holiday!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Eva Weston's excerpts leading up the release of BETRAYAL, book 2 in THE DRAGON LORDS! Excerpt 1
I am nearly finished with the final edits to BETRAYAL, book 2 in THE DRAGON LORDS series! I am so excited! As promised, I will post excerpts leading up to the release!
In the following excerpt, Isbet has been placed in a precarious situation--she has been given to King Ramos of Ephos and in return, he will give his armies to Dragone. This does not sit well with Baric who loves Queen Isbet.
I am nearly finished with the final edits to BETRAYAL, book 2 in THE DRAGON LORDS series! I am so excited! As promised, I will post excerpts leading up to the release!
In the following excerpt, Isbet has been placed in a precarious situation--she has been given to King Ramos of Ephos and in return, he will give his armies to Dragone. This does not sit well with Baric who loves Queen Isbet.
“You and I will become one. We will consummate this partnership and only
when that has been done, Dragone will be given command of my armies, or rather,
King Brynt will be given command.”
Baric shifted noisily as he stared with
harsh severity at Isbet. Was he
understanding this correctly? Was the
Queen supposed to sleep with King Ramos?
Were those the terms? Baric
grasped Isbet’s wrist and looked at her questioningly. Surely, she would not agree to this?
Isbet cleared her throat, “Baric,
Captain of the Dragon Elite Mechante, you are dismissed.”
“Excuse me?” he muttered as confusion
dug his thick, blonde eyebrow deep into his forehead.
Isbet wrapped herself in calculated
objectivity, “Do not force me to repeat myself.
These are matters of politic. You
are no longer needed here. You are
dismissed.” Saying those words was like
shredding her heart with a spoon. She
never wanted to treat Baric with such cruel disregard but she could not show
vulnerability. She could not allow her
own feelings to cloud the situation. She
could not allow Baric’s love to protect her.
She needed to sacrifice herself for the betterment of Dragone. Nothing else mattered even as vile weeping
swept throughout her mind.
Baric’s steel gray eyes betrayed his
anger as he replied, “Yes, my Queen.” He
did not look back as he left his newfound lover in the hands of a madman. He did not look back as he left Isbet to her
fate. Duty would always overshadow
emotions and duty would always ignore the screaming of the heart.
Isbet watched him leave as her soul
cried aloud. She never wanted to be
without his kindness, strength, and friendship.
But such yearnings were trivial in the grand scheme of things. Only one thing mattered: Dragone.
King Brynt willingly threw Isbet to the dogs in order to save it. Isbet would willingly do the same. She had a responsibility to her people. She was their Queen, she was their leader,
and she would be their savior.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Eva Weston's THE DRAGON'S DESTINY, Book 5 will be released soon!
Can you believe it? I can't. Book 5 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series, THE DRAGON'S DESTINY, will soon be released! The cover is prepared and ready. It's simply beautiful. But that's not Tania on the cover...Can you guess who it is?
I don't even have a tagline or a blurb available yet! I was just so excited when I received the cover. The model fits this character perfectly--I couldn't ask for a better image!
Anyway, I also wanted to be the first to tell you that I will be releasing all 5 books into one volume. Don't worry, it won't be 99 cents. It will be the cost of all 5 books together, so $4.99. For those of you who have purchased the individual books, you won't be put out. Being impatient pays off in my world! I have never had patience and while everyone kept telling me "Patience is a virtue" I wanted to scream :-D
I have received requests for a full volume, so that's why I'll be putting 5 books into a complete volume for the rest of this series. The individual books will still be released but if you want to wait, you can. The next 5 books in the series will be THE DRAGON'S LEGACY, THE DRAGON'S LOVER, THE DRAGON'S LUST, THE DRAGON'S LIFE, and THE DRAGON'S LADY. Again, these will also be put into a volume but will cost exactly the same as the individual books :-)
It is difficult to write a full novel all at once. Not only am I mother, but I also work full-time so getting any amount of time is like pulling teeth. I get maybe 15 minutes here and there to write so I need to write quickly. I can accomplish small goals like writing a short story, but put a daunting epic novel in my hands, and well, it's daunting LOL So, I take baby steps and write short stories that have fast action, hot love, and an on-going plot. I know you must be busy too and that's also I why I love writing short stories. With babies and work crawling over you, a quick escape is just what the doctor ordered!
Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to post a few excerpts from my upcoming release, BETRAYAL, the epic sequel to AWAKEN.
I don't even have a tagline or a blurb available yet! I was just so excited when I received the cover. The model fits this character perfectly--I couldn't ask for a better image!
Anyway, I also wanted to be the first to tell you that I will be releasing all 5 books into one volume. Don't worry, it won't be 99 cents. It will be the cost of all 5 books together, so $4.99. For those of you who have purchased the individual books, you won't be put out. Being impatient pays off in my world! I have never had patience and while everyone kept telling me "Patience is a virtue" I wanted to scream :-D
I have received requests for a full volume, so that's why I'll be putting 5 books into a complete volume for the rest of this series. The individual books will still be released but if you want to wait, you can. The next 5 books in the series will be THE DRAGON'S LEGACY, THE DRAGON'S LOVER, THE DRAGON'S LUST, THE DRAGON'S LIFE, and THE DRAGON'S LADY. Again, these will also be put into a volume but will cost exactly the same as the individual books :-)
It is difficult to write a full novel all at once. Not only am I mother, but I also work full-time so getting any amount of time is like pulling teeth. I get maybe 15 minutes here and there to write so I need to write quickly. I can accomplish small goals like writing a short story, but put a daunting epic novel in my hands, and well, it's daunting LOL So, I take baby steps and write short stories that have fast action, hot love, and an on-going plot. I know you must be busy too and that's also I why I love writing short stories. With babies and work crawling over you, a quick escape is just what the doctor ordered!
Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to post a few excerpts from my upcoming release, BETRAYAL, the epic sequel to AWAKEN.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Eva Weston's Book Updates!!! Curious about Book 2 of the DRAGON LORDS? Here's your answer...
Greetings all!
Although I have been very busy trying to tell the story of Princess Tania, I have also been preparing the epic sequel to AWAKEN, Book 1 of THE DRAGON LORDS. THE DRAGON LORDS are epic--the novels range from 300-400 pages so it takes some time to write the stories.
Book 2, BETRAYAL, was finished last December, but I ended up changing my mind on how it should close. In the first draft, I had Lord Brynt literally "betray" Isbet (hence the name) but now I'm not sure I should include that. This novel went to the dark side and I'm trying to pull it back to the light side :-) This is the darkest fantasy I have ever written. I even cried at the end and they weren't tears of joy. If you've read my other work (namely THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST), you know how important dragon slaying is to the storyline. It just hurts having one of my favorite characters die. Now that I think about it, two key characters are killed in BETRAYAL. I don't enjoy killing my characters but sometimes it is a necessary evil. I hope to have everything ready by July, fingers crossed!
Don't expect this series to be released as fast as THE HEART OF THE DRAGON series primarily because these are 7 times longer. I hope to have them ready at least once a year. I wish I could write faster--more to the point, I wish I had more time to write these fantastic stories. I also have several drafts of my new paranormal series ready but I want to make sure the current series I have are complete.
I will probably be ending the EROTIC FAIRY TALE stories because, although I love them, I have to focus on the popular Dragon books. What I do hope for is to write one more and give it to you for free! We love free! :-D
Although I have been very busy trying to tell the story of Princess Tania, I have also been preparing the epic sequel to AWAKEN, Book 1 of THE DRAGON LORDS. THE DRAGON LORDS are epic--the novels range from 300-400 pages so it takes some time to write the stories.
Book 2, BETRAYAL, was finished last December, but I ended up changing my mind on how it should close. In the first draft, I had Lord Brynt literally "betray" Isbet (hence the name) but now I'm not sure I should include that. This novel went to the dark side and I'm trying to pull it back to the light side :-) This is the darkest fantasy I have ever written. I even cried at the end and they weren't tears of joy. If you've read my other work (namely THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST), you know how important dragon slaying is to the storyline. It just hurts having one of my favorite characters die. Now that I think about it, two key characters are killed in BETRAYAL. I don't enjoy killing my characters but sometimes it is a necessary evil. I hope to have everything ready by July, fingers crossed!
Don't expect this series to be released as fast as THE HEART OF THE DRAGON series primarily because these are 7 times longer. I hope to have them ready at least once a year. I wish I could write faster--more to the point, I wish I had more time to write these fantastic stories. I also have several drafts of my new paranormal series ready but I want to make sure the current series I have are complete.
I will probably be ending the EROTIC FAIRY TALE stories because, although I love them, I have to focus on the popular Dragon books. What I do hope for is to write one more and give it to you for free! We love free! :-D
And because THE HEART OF THE DRAGON got a makeover, so did THE DRAGON LORDS. I loved the original but I felt the covers needed more umph. And umph Erin Dameron-Hill can deliver! Below is an excerpt! Enjoy!
Isbet bolted upright. She couldn’t
remember what had woken her so her eyes darted into the darkness. It was
pointless trying to see anything but her ears pricked up as soon as the sound
of harsh splashes caught her attention. Something was in the water.
Her hands reached for her witla but all
she found was more rock. Where in Dragone was her fluting weapon?
The sounds of crashing water forced her blood to race. What could be
making that sound? Where was Baric? Was he fighting something in
the water? She should help…
Isbet stood on shaking knees as she
clenched her fists. She felt so vulnerable in the darkness, so useless
yet she had to do something. If there was a threat lingering in the cave,
she would help remove it. She may have feelings of weakness, but she was
strong. She was tough. Fear did not stop her.
As she took a step forward, the ceiling
lit up with a thousand twinkling blue lights. The glow illuminated the
pools of water into white liquid and as her eyes squinted into the luminosity,
her breath caught.
The light danced upon Baric’s bare
shoulders as the water caressed him gently. She watched the rivulets melt
down his firm and strong back as he pushed his short, blonde hair out of his
face. His muscles slithered and wound with each movement like the most
tempting snake and Isbet had to make sure drool didn’t leak down her
He was an Adonis. He was the most
beautiful thing she had ever seen. He was almost animalistic in frame,
like a wolf in man’s clothing, like a god deserving of worship. She had
never seen this on Brynt before and even as she thought of her husband’s name,
she couldn’t shake the image of Baric being doused in water as soft lights
clung to his slick skin.
A wave of envy took her by surprise.
She yearned to be that water, to slide over him, to touch him.
She bit her lip as her body trembled
with wicked thoughts. Her hands touched her neck and stroked her
arms. Her scales were gone. She had inhaled them without
noticing. She stood naked under the azure lights as she watched him
bathe. She didn’t care if she seemed dubious by watching him from the
shadows, she only cared that her eyes saw nothing else.
She had thought holding his hand was
akin to holding an angel, but that was not the case. Touching his hand
was nothing compared to what her body wanted. Her core tightened with
each of his movements and a warm wetness slicked her inner thighs as her
breathing quickened. Just the act of staring at his perfect form was
enough to bring her to her knees.
He was…beautiful. There was no
other word to describe him. His shoulders were perfectly rounded and
striated, his back was square and bulged in all the right places and if he
could just turn around, Isbet would collapse into a pile of goo. If she
saw anymore of him, she might just faint from sheer arousal.
She sighed loudly and Baric turned around
quickly. She had been caught peeping. Within the time span of a
blinking light, her scales fluttered out and her heart broke. She couldn’t
speak as waves of embarrassment twisted her insides and pushed vomit to the
back of her tongue. Humiliation lit up her face like fireworks as she
nervously laughed and tried to pretend that she wasn’t being a letch.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
New Covers for Eva Weston's sexy dragons!
Hi all!
I am so excited to reveal the new covers that artist extraordinaire Erin Dameron-Hill has designed for the HEART OF THE DRAGON series!!!!
Ladies, feast your eyes on these!!!
I am so excited to reveal the new covers that artist extraordinaire Erin Dameron-Hill has designed for the HEART OF THE DRAGON series!!!!
Ladies, feast your eyes on these!!!
Oh my word!!! I nearly gushed in pure excitement when I opened up my inbox and discovered these beauties waiting for me. They are so beautiful. I love how each book has a chosen character and focuses on that character. Can you guess who the characters are? I bet you can :-)
I will have a more in-depth blog post later this week but I had to show you the new covers!!! They are so beautiful, perfect, wonderful! I can't seem to stop gazing at them!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Dragons to heat your desire, dragons to quench your thirst...Book 4 of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series is available!!!
Greetings All!!
I am so pleased to announce that Book 4 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series is now available at Amazon! THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST forwards the story of Princess Tania and her dragons. There is plenty of conflict and some excellent sex to be read :-)
The story hasn't even been out for three days and already THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST has a five star review:
"I have fallen in love with these books...I can't wait for book 5." --sposcky,
Thank you so much, Sposcky! Reviews keep me writing! If I don't receive any feedback, then I don't realize how popular my books are. Sure, sales are excellent, but sales don't tell me if you like them or not. So, if you have a second, could you leave me a review either on Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, or Goodreads? That would make my day! :-)
I'm trying to upload THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST to B&N but it will take some time. When I get a moment, I will upload the book to Smashwords so you can read it on whatever device you have.
I am so grateful to those of you who love my books! The stories are very dear to me. Dragons light my fire like no other shifter!
Because I have already left an excerpt a few days ago, I will leave you with these yummy images to make you drool!!! These are the men that inspire me!
I am so pleased to announce that Book 4 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series is now available at Amazon! THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST forwards the story of Princess Tania and her dragons. There is plenty of conflict and some excellent sex to be read :-)
The story hasn't even been out for three days and already THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST has a five star review:
"I have fallen in love with these books...I can't wait for book 5." --sposcky,
Thank you so much, Sposcky! Reviews keep me writing! If I don't receive any feedback, then I don't realize how popular my books are. Sure, sales are excellent, but sales don't tell me if you like them or not. So, if you have a second, could you leave me a review either on Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, or Goodreads? That would make my day! :-)
I'm trying to upload THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST to B&N but it will take some time. When I get a moment, I will upload the book to Smashwords so you can read it on whatever device you have.
I am so grateful to those of you who love my books! The stories are very dear to me. Dragons light my fire like no other shifter!
Because I have already left an excerpt a few days ago, I will leave you with these yummy images to make you drool!!! These are the men that inspire me!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Eva Weston's HEART OF THE DRAGON book 4 will be released soon!
Yes, my dragon lovers, Book 4, THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST, will be released soon! I know I said I would have it by the end of April, but deadlines needed to be pushed back. I'm currently finishing off the edits and will upload it to Amazon and B&N once done. So don't worry, Aristo will be caressing you soon...
And because I love Aristo and you so much, here's a sexy excerpt to get you in the mood:
Enjoy and I hope to hear from you soon!
Eva Weston
And because I love Aristo and you so much, here's a sexy excerpt to get you in the mood:
Tania came up for air as the bubbling brook cascaded
around her neck, “Do your worst,” she gasped.
She had repeated Aristo’s words that she had never heard before. The magic connection between them was
strong. It was as if Tania had heard
every word, felt every sensation that Aristo had dealt with. From the very beginning, Tania and Aristo had
shared something special. She knew no
Dragon Mother magic would ever sever their bond.
“Mmm, I shall do that and more…” his voice was raspy
and breathy. Aristo dug his knees into
her hips to open her legs. She didn’t
need the coaxing. Just the feel of
Aristo on top of her once more sent her into a lust-filled fog. She didn’t know which way was up or down nor
did she care. There was nothing else
better than Aristo’s touch, dominance, and love.
His soft, puffy lips found her ear lobe. He nibbled gently at first, and then tugged
on her ear, sucking it inside his warm mouth.
Tania hissed as the heat from his mouth mingled with the cool
water. Chills erupted along her arms and
chest but it was more than just cold that had her shivering.
Aristo had a way with his tongue. It darted to and fro and slid along her
shoulder blades, circling around her muscles.
She tried to turn around in order to face him, gaze into those dark,
ebon eyes, but he would have none of it.
He kept her face down, her arms and legs splayed to either side. This was his game. He was the Master here. He was her Lord and she was his willing
Enjoy and I hope to hear from you soon!
Eva Weston
Monday, April 15, 2013
Eva Weston's Monday Man-Meat
I am so close to finishing book 4 of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series that I just couldn't contain my excitement! I have been busy writing a delicious menage between Aristo, Patryck, and Tania. Let me tell you--I'm all kinds of hot and bothered! And now I'm adding more fuel to the writing fire by showing sexy slabs of man meat! Woohoo! Enjoy!
I am so close to finishing book 4 of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series that I just couldn't contain my excitement! I have been busy writing a delicious menage between Aristo, Patryck, and Tania. Let me tell you--I'm all kinds of hot and bothered! And now I'm adding more fuel to the writing fire by showing sexy slabs of man meat! Woohoo! Enjoy!
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Reading is so, SO VERY SEXY! |
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I chose them young today! LOL |
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What's man-meat without Jimmy Thomas? This is my muse for my new Highlander Series I'm currently working on. Mmm, Scots and Dragons! Yay! |
Monday, April 1, 2013
Heart of the Dragon book 4--Aristo is back!
Well, it has taken four books but Aristo is finally large and in-charge once more! In THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST, Aristo has to face Tania's betrayal and that's not all that's happening! Stephan has asked the werewolves for help in the war with Polas, a menage takes place, and Tania is pregnant! There seems to be a lot for Aristo to digest, but he's tough and he can handle it!
I am almost half-way done with book 4, THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST, and I have an excerpt ready! I wish I could say it was a sexy excerpt, but I thought you might want to read how Aristo was rescued! :-D
Well, it has taken four books but Aristo is finally large and in-charge once more! In THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST, Aristo has to face Tania's betrayal and that's not all that's happening! Stephan has asked the werewolves for help in the war with Polas, a menage takes place, and Tania is pregnant! There seems to be a lot for Aristo to digest, but he's tough and he can handle it!
I am almost half-way done with book 4, THE DRAGON'S DISTRUST, and I have an excerpt ready! I wish I could say it was a sexy excerpt, but I thought you might want to read how Aristo was rescued! :-D
She gasped. In
the middle of the dusty Arena, Aristo was chained to the ground. He was naked but covered with an array of
rotting vegetables. There were even
several chunks of dark meat scattered about his person. The crowd spared no expense. His long, dark hair was greasy and shined
brightly in the firelight. Tania
narrowed her eyes to get a better look.
He was covered in red. The
shining liquid coursing down his back was blood, not sweat.
Her heart nearly exploded. She started to run toward him but Patryck
held her back, “Are you going to run to Aristo completely nude in front of the
She opened and closed her mouth several times. She could care less about her nudity where
Aristo was concerned then again, she was a lady and she had been raised proper,
“Of course not. What do we do?”
“I’ll create a diversion. I don’t mind if the on-lookers oooh and aww
at my ample manhood,” he winked, “While they’re distracted, you need to pull
the pins from the ground. It should be a
simple thing. Just pull the pin from the
long, metal thing,” he spoke simply just in case Tania did not know the proper
terms for the objects, “that should unlock the chains. You will only have a few moments. I will morph back into a dragon and you and
Aristo need to ride me. Aristo cannot
shift until the full moon. Besides,
he’ll be weak and he won’t be able to.”
“Quick thinking…but,” Tania spoke softly, “You have
already flown so far. Can you carry us?”
“Please, Princess.
You insult me. I am the Water
Dragon. Trust me.”
Tania hesitated.
She knew Patryck was not a solid flyer and that he was tired. Still, what other choice did she have? They had to break Aristo from the chains
before the Dragon Slayers arrived and before the guards had a chance to
overcome their surprise.
“I am not weak like the others believe,” Patryck
said, “Fifty years old to your kind is quite old.”
She didn’t look convinced.
“Just do what needs done,” he finished.
Tania nodded and waited for Patryck to make his
move. Instead of running out into the
open, he grabbed her around the waist and placed a hard kiss on her mouth. He abruptly pulled away and smiled
devilishly, “For courage.”
Tania grinned and watched him race toward the
crowd. There were sudden screams as a
few genteel women fainted, worldly women smiled widely, and men grew
furious. Tania wished she could have
seen all the reactions, but she had a job to do.
She tiptoed toward Aristo who was laughing so hard,
his side must have split wide open. He
had obviously seen Patryck’s antics and he found it most comical. After all, a nude man swinging his rod for
all to see was indeed a sight to behold.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Book 3 is here!!! Eva Weston's dragons are ready to please you!
I know I said I would have book 3, THE DRAGON'S DALLY of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series out in April--I LIED! Edits are in, covers are done, and I was just too excited to hold off another week!
Amazon has the book live. B&N and Smashwords should have it in a few days.
For Kindle readers, you can purchase the book here.
Princess Tania has been a busy girl--burning down her father's dungeon, rescuing tortured prisoners, and trying her hardest to avoid the tempting dragons. And still her day is not done. Aristo has been moved to the Arena where hundreds of dragons have been slain. Patryck has stalked his way close to Tania and she is quickly losing control. The dragon has a way with melting the panties off his willing victims...
I know I said I would have book 3, THE DRAGON'S DALLY of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series out in April--I LIED! Edits are in, covers are done, and I was just too excited to hold off another week!
Amazon has the book live. B&N and Smashwords should have it in a few days.
For Kindle readers, you can purchase the book here.
Princess Tania has been a busy girl--burning down her father's dungeon, rescuing tortured prisoners, and trying her hardest to avoid the tempting dragons. And still her day is not done. Aristo has been moved to the Arena where hundreds of dragons have been slain. Patryck has stalked his way close to Tania and she is quickly losing control. The dragon has a way with melting the panties off his willing victims...
“Give me your hand and I’ll help you out of here,”
Patryck said, extending his hand. He
allowed it to linger in the air until a few moments passed, “Give me your
hand,” he repeated.
“No, I am fine.”
He pursed his lips.
Why wouldn’t she let go of Thomas?
What hold did he put on her? Had
he bewitched her in some way? Had they
already bonded? Thomas worked fast,
apparently. Patryck snarled, “What have
you done, Thomas?”
He heard Thomas step back, “Nothing. You need to calm down, Patryck.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Patryck stood tall and
growled again, “I am warning you, if you marked her…”
“I did no such thing!”
“Then give me Tania!” he yelled.
A guard rushing past with a bucket of water quickly
stopped and stared at the commotion. All
he could see was a filthy man arguing with a bush. He raced toward the man, “Peasant! Grab a bucket and help!”
Patryck backhanded the guard who twirled a few times
then fell hard to the ground.
“Stop, Patryck!” Tania finally spoke and gently
petted Patryck’s arm, “What is wrong with you?
We need to escape! You’re drawing
Patryck eyed her up and down while his jaw hit the
ground. The Princess was naked. Immediately, his anger morphed into
lust. He closed the gap between them and
pulled her close, smashing her into his chest.
His lips found her ear, his nose inhaled her perfect womanly perfume,
while his hands kneaded her back. His
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the third installment of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series! I'm currently working on book 4 and next Wednesday, I'll have an excerpt ready for you! Book 4 deals with Dragon Slayers, werewolves, dragon lust, and of course, Aristo's agony at Tania's betrayal. Yes, I said "betrayal". Read book 3 to find out what she does to cause his distrust.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Eva Weston's dragons wish to play a game with you! Join in and grab some swag!
Greetings all!
I am nearly finished with the first few drafts of book 3 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series, THE DRAGON'S DALLY. Yes, first FEW drafts. I write different stories with the same goal and then combine or completely discard what I don't like. It's a complicated system but it is my system :-D Each author writes in a different way...
Anyway, I have just finished an erotic love scene between two characters--I will not say their names only that Tania is involved and someone you would not expect. So, let's play a game, shall we? I will give an excerpt, just a tid bit, and you fill in the names of who you think is performing the action. If you can correctly guess the names of the characters and send your answers to authorevaweston @ before April 1, 2013, then you will receive a FREE copy of THE DRAGON'S DALLY.
But (#6 insert name here) did not obey. He
continued to plow inside, pin her down, and suckle every inch of her chest. Tania whimpered with his touch because it
felt so good but even as she quaked with pleasure, she trembled in fear.
I hope to hear from you soon! Remember, send your answers to authorevaweston @ before April 1st, 2013! Thanks for playing!
I am nearly finished with the first few drafts of book 3 in the HEART OF THE DRAGON series, THE DRAGON'S DALLY. Yes, first FEW drafts. I write different stories with the same goal and then combine or completely discard what I don't like. It's a complicated system but it is my system :-D Each author writes in a different way...
Anyway, I have just finished an erotic love scene between two characters--I will not say their names only that Tania is involved and someone you would not expect. So, let's play a game, shall we? I will give an excerpt, just a tid bit, and you fill in the names of who you think is performing the action. If you can correctly guess the names of the characters and send your answers to authorevaweston @ before April 1, 2013, then you will receive a FREE copy of THE DRAGON'S DALLY.
The Dragon Mother magic no longer tickled and gnawed at her
insides, instead it built and waited for the perfect time to explode in a
mind-numbing rage of emotion and fury.
Like a knot it twisted and weaved through her blood the more (#1 insert name here) sucked and bit.
His muscles coiled on top of her as he slammed into her wet,
trembling core and she cried aloud.
“Again!” she screamed. She
yearned to explode, to fully release every ache, every craving that had caged
her. And the more she moaned, the more (#2 insert name here) tore into her. She was in a fog of pure rapture
and not even the brightly glowing embers outside her dream could sway her from
her happiness.
“Come with me, Princess,” (#3 insert name here) growled, biting her nipple and
mercilessly pounding inside her. He was
a wild animal, more beast than man, as his thrusts went in hard and deep,
“Come, Princess.”
She would.
But the voice speaking “Princess” did not belong to (insert name here).
Tania opened her eyes and through the haze of the now-abandoned
dream, she woke to see (#4 insert name here) rocking steadily on top of her.
“Stop!” she barely whispered, her throat choked with carnality,
“Stop,” she managed this time a little bit more loudly.
“Never,” (#5 insert name here) responded.
“Now!” she screamed, “Get off of me!”
I hope to hear from you soon! Remember, send your answers to authorevaweston @ before April 1st, 2013! Thanks for playing!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Meet the new dragons from Eva Weston's HEART OF THE DRAGON series!
In THE DRAGON'S DEN, I left our heroine, Princess Tania, in a precarious situation--she's been locked in the dungeon with the Water Dragon, Patryck. Patryck has been known to be a sexual deviant and Tania can't stand him one bit.
But as we all know, people can change. So can dragons. Some of them turn out to be heroes. Patryck may not have started out on the right foot, but by the end of THE DRAGON'S DALLY, you will love him like I do! :-D
Tania has just burned down her father's dungeon and now she's on the run with two wild dragons who could care less for rules. Patryck, the Water Dragon, and Thomas, the Night Dragon, go head to head in a bid for Tania's love. As the Dragon Mother, Tania must choose who to mate with. Although her lover remains Aristo, the Moon Dragon, she can't help but wonder what the other dragons could do for her. Will she betray Aristo and find passion in the arms of the new dragons or will she restrain herself and stay faithful to Aristo?
Before you jump to conclusions, gentle reader, allow me to introduce the two new dragons fighting for Tania's affection:
Patryck can be found in THE DRAGON'S DEN, BOOK 2 of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series, but he was not the hero for Tania. Instead, he was reckless and passionate--a real dirty boy. Patryck manages some control in THE DRAGON'S DALLY, but not much. He will do whatever it takes to hear Tania scream his name!
But as we all know, people can change. So can dragons. Some of them turn out to be heroes. Patryck may not have started out on the right foot, but by the end of THE DRAGON'S DALLY, you will love him like I do! :-D
coming April 2013
Before you jump to conclusions, gentle reader, allow me to introduce the two new dragons fighting for Tania's affection:
Patryck can be found in THE DRAGON'S DEN, BOOK 2 of the HEART OF THE DRAGON series, but he was not the hero for Tania. Instead, he was reckless and passionate--a real dirty boy. Patryck manages some control in THE DRAGON'S DALLY, but not much. He will do whatever it takes to hear Tania scream his name!
Thomas is the newest addition to the books but not to the Den of Dragons. As the Night Dragon, Thomas can become invisible. He is lithe, sneaky, but above all, he is devout in his belief in the Dragon Mother. He will do whatever she commands. His hope is that she will demand his lips upon hers and in that he finds happiness.
I'm currently 30% done with THE DRAGON'S DALLY but I do have an excerpt. Enjoy!
“This is
your plan?” Patryck asked incredulously.
He crossed his arms and shook his head, “This will never work. You do realize that?”
Tania pursed her lips as her smile vanished from her
face. It may not be the best idea but
what else could she do? Patryck could
not shift into a dragon and carry them all out.
This was really their only option.
Patryck paced for several more moments before he
shrugged his shoulders, “Very well, Princess.
Let’s cart them out of here.”
Tania grabbed the wheelbarrow with both hands but
was quickly pushed aside as Patryck took the handles from her. She nodded appreciatively and hurried over to
a prisoner. The woman was beyond
bedraggled. Large clumps of hair had
fallen out and her face was a swollen mess of purple and black. Tania squeamishly grabbed the woman under her
elbows and helped her to her feet. The woman
could barely respond as she collapsed to the stone floor.
“Patryck?” Tania pleaded, “I could use your help.”
He moaned.
Helping humans was not his forte, “I am going to say this one more time,”
he paused and peered into Tania’s dark, beautiful eyes that had bewitched him several
times before, “We are going to get caught.
They will slow us down.”
“Patryck,” Tania said touching his forearm, “Please
do this for me.”
Her eyes begged him to acquiesce and he had no
choice. She could command him like no
other. If only she knew that. Or perhaps, she did know and she was using
her power to her advantage.
Patryck shook his head, “If I do this, you will owe
me a favor.”
Tania nodded, “Very well. I owe you.”
Patryck eyed her slowly from her feet to the top of
her chest. Tania nearly shivered under
his hard stare. He approved even though
she was covered in filth and wearing very baggy clothes. He could still remember her naked, bathing in
his waterfall. He remembered coursing
over her, allowing his liquid fingers to snake around her hips…her core. His muscles tightened. Now was not the time to be aroused by the
Dragon Mother.
Patryck sighed and lifted the wretched prisoner into
the barrow. The woman was frail and very
thin. Her skin was stretched over her
bones but there was no meat, muscle, or fat to be found anywhere on her. And she had been…hurt. Intimately hurt. Patryck nearly gagged. No woman should ever be treated so
horribly. He may have tried to force
himself on Tania, but he would never have hurt her.
He stroked his thumb across the woman’s face and
took pity on her. The King had been
torturing more than just dragons. The
man was a monster. Patryck would protect
this poor creature. She needed a
hero. She needed a dragon.
With new resolve, Patryck spoke, “Never again.” The woman opened her eyes slightly as Patryck
continued to speak, “You will never be hurt again. I promise you, I will protect you.” He brushed a string of tangled, matted hair
out of her face. He grimaced as he gazed
upon her battered cheeks and broken nose, “Never again.”
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