Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Eva Weston asks Author Skhye Moncrief, What's Your Inspiration?

Hello fellow bloggers!  Today I'm bringing you an exclusive interview with author Skhye Moncrief!  She stopped by to discuss what exactly inspires her when she creates her stories!  If you've never read any of her work, I would suggest you purchase something ASAP!  My personal favorites are the WERESCAPE series.  A few months ago I read WERESCAPE 1: COUGAR  and my socks literally caught fire!  What a hot romp through a post-apocalyptic world where aliens and shifters collide!  I'm currently reading book 4 of the series and loving it!


Most people are shocked at what inspires my stories.  I can watch a documentary and have 3 stories in my head after 50 minutes.  I usually get eyerolls from my critique partners because stories come to me that quickly. ;P I find the rest of my inspiration arises from little epiphanies I have while watching movies, out shopping and people watching, or doing other things.  I see an expression or an object and suddenly something that I've been hung up on in a story will click.  I have more issues writing now than I ever had though.  So, I need those epiphanies!  And just changing your activity from creative to functional can be the little fuse that sets them off.  Like the moments when I'm on the elliptical and can't stop to jot something down...That's the same as trying to fall asleep when little story scenarios suddenly pop like popcorn inside your head.  Lordy, like can't our brains work when they're supposed to?

In a nutshell, I'm "certifiably" geek.  I don't care if certifiably isn't a word.  I like it!  Because...I live for shows like THE HISTORY OF CONCRETE.  Well, don't run off yet.  See, I studied archaeology a long time in graduate school and know the importance of understanding the history of things.  *wink* Besides, you never know when that information might come in handy in real life.  Seriously, I spend far too much time explaining the value of a research resource on my blog whenever I can.  I've been told that type of post is incredibly helpful.  However, my broad-spectrum interest in most things leads to Extreme Speculative Romance.  Yes, I'm going to go ahead and create a new genre (innovate).  Why not?  I'm using the word "certifiably" and might as well.

I suppose I should define Extreme Speculative Fiction...

Extreme Speculative Fiction is essentially combining all sub-genres of paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fie romance in one story.  Yes.  I do this.  I jump off a cliff and hear about it in reviews.  Alas, my brain works that way.  I'll confess that world building is more important to me than sexual tension.  Although, a few really nuclear sexy encounters can bump world building down a notch when I'm in my happy reading place.  But you'll definitely find extraterrestrials  psychics, shifters, and scientists in all of my series.  I can't help it.  Like I said--my brain works that way.  My stories are born of my interest in survival, human evolution, cultural relativism, cultural evolution, and my formal education in geology and bio-archaeology.  From what I have gathered, time and time again, everything is interconnected, even cultures that believe in magic living next to cultures that believe in science (studying the one knowable/observable reality).  The conflicting interests of scientific and nonscientific cultures is enough in itself to write a straight PNR, UF, or Sci-Fi romance novel about!  So, I'll blame my inspiration on my subconscious (my muse) throwing stuff into short-term memory.  That unruly entity tortures me because I keep saying I'm going to write a normal story.  I guess the definition of normal is relative...

Oh, I guess I should point out the power of Man Meat!

I'm human.  It's true...A juicy visual bite of testosterone can really set one's subconscious on  a mission from HELL.  Oy! All I need is one really awesome image stuck in my mind and there's another story.  It's like buying shoes on sale and then trying to find an outfit to go with them!  Then again, there's that timeless writing truth:  never underestimate the power of a cookie.

Thank you, Skhye Moncrief!  Good thing you included the pic of the man meat near the end, because my brain stopped working for a while!  Like a raccoon with something shiny, so am I with hot men!

If you would like to learn more about Skhye Moncrief and her incredible world-building talents and steamy sex rides, visit her online at   

Many of Ms. Moncrief's books are only 99 Cents!  To purchase them and to read excerpts, visit Amazon here or if you have a Nook, visit here.   She also has a FREE READ available here.

Thank you all for stopping by and a BIG, BIG thank you to Skhye Moncrief for giving us a glimpse into her world!

Check back every Wednesday for author interviews on what inspires them.  It's going to be a blast!  Expect more pics of hunky men because that's what we do here in Eva Weston's world!


  1. Hi, Eva! Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I had no idea you were dabbling in the Werescape!!! I hope the Shifters are treating you well. ;P

  2. LOVE the WERESCAPE! I can't wait for future books!

  3. I loved that you find inspiration from so many sources. I, too, get ideas from the newspaper, the obits, watching people in coffee shops or stores.

  4. Very interesting to see how your certifiably geeky writer's brain works, Skhye!!! I say that with love, of course. *grin* Missing you!!!

  5. Ah! Last week got away from me then I had a microbial infestation (stomach bug with fever) that kept me offline all weekend.

    Thanks for all the comments.

    Eva, another Werescape should be available this week.

    Viola, I don't read obituaries for ideas. Unfortunately, I studied mortuary practices too long already. LOL But it's good to see other writers look there!

    AM, miss you too. It's almost TimTam season at Target!!! If you see any candy-corn Oreos while you're there, buy me some! ;P

